Houston Methodist Center for Performing Arts Medicine
Check out this message from CPAM’s Director, J. Todd Frazier, regarding the 1st installment of their Virtual Art Experiences and Strategic Information for Artists:
The Center for Performing Arts Medicine at Houston Methodist understands that the arts are an integral part of the human experience at all times-especially now. We’ve compiled a list of resources below that you may find helpful, both as art experiences for all and as timely information for artists and arts organizations in response to challenges presented by Covid-19.
Virtual Art Experiences
While practicing social distancing, allow yourself some time to exercise creativity and learn something new with Google Arts and Culture. This free, online platform utilizes high-resolution image technology for individuals to virtually tour museums and access art across the world from wherever you are.
Visit recent exhibits at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and nightly performances streamed by the Metropolitan Opera. And to explore a broad range of art experiences from Houston to around the world see Our regularly updated list of local, national, and international virtual art experiences.
Spending time appreciating arts and culture can enhance your mood and provide a positive outlet for self-care.
Here are some virtual art experiences from artists close to Houston Methodist CPAM:
- Houston Chamber Choir Noon Podcasts of beautiful Choral Music
- Healing Playlists from Musicians on Call (patient and caregiver focused)
- Dr. Mei Rui, CPAM Research Scientist and Concert Pianist Performs Music to Calm and Inspire
Strategic Information for Artists and Arts Organizations
- Grantmakers in the Arts Webinar: Emergency Preparedness and Response: COVID19 and the Arts Ecosystem
- Houston Arts Partners Corona Resource Thread
- Creative Capital List of Artist Resources
- Houston Arts Alliance has compiled emergency assistance for artists and arts organizations including information on unemployment assistance.
- COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources
- Unemployment information for artists
- Take the Artist Survey from AFTA about the impact of coronavirusabout the impact of coronavirus
Houston Methodist Center for Performing Arts Medicine homepage: https://www.houstonmethodist.org/performing-arts/